Sunday 2 September 2018

Teaching Philosophies:

Teaching Philosophies:

“Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, He will not depart from it”.

Now, I know what you are wondering. Why would a person like me who has already experienced a lot of things in different fields would chose to teach, especially in teaching in early childhood. The reason I chose to teach children because I believe that it is easier to teach a child than to change a grown up.
I believe that it is my calling to teach, ever since I was in high school, I wanted to become an early childhood teacher as I wanted to be able to change the world one child at a time by teaching them and to help them realize that learning is fun and to help them have an attitude of lifelong learning.
I want to teach especially here in the Philippines as I want to give children who has poor families a chance in life, I want to be the teacher who is able to inspire them to achieve more and dream big so that one day, they would be able to achieve their dreams and that they would see that there is more to life than what they are currently experiencing.
Teaching is an unsung profession as people don’t know how hard it is to teach but it is very much fulfilling especially when you can see that there is progress in children’s outputs and you see them grow individually. To me seeing these is enough for me to pursue teaching as I believe one day I they would remember me as a teacher who taught them the basics that they need to pursue further education.

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