Sunday 2 September 2018

2. Applies a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other high-order thinking skills.

When teaching in today’s age, the teacher should be able to use different strategies in order to motivate the children to learn, not only that but also the teacher needs to ensure that the strategies that they are using would develop the skills that they want the children to develop.
This applies solely on how the teacher would carry out the lesson. Also the subject matter of the lesson plays a huge role in using different strategies in teaching. For example, when teaching ESP, the teacher could use inquiry method to let the students think of an answer for themselves. This strategy would help them think of an answer based on what question they gave.
As a teacher thinking of a strategy is critical as we want the children to retain what we taught and to develop skills that we want them to. So as a teacher, I ensure that there are different activities and I use different strategies when teaching.
Rating: 4-5


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