Sunday 2 September 2018

1. Applies knowledge of content within and across curriculum content teaching areas.

Of course the teacher needs to be able to master the content and subject matter that he or she is going to be teaching his or her pupils as you can’t give what you don’t have. As practice teachers or even as future teachers, we need to be knowledgeable In the said subject matter so that we are able to impart this knowledge to our students and that we are prepared for any question our curious students would have.
As a teacher, I needed to ensure that I myself is knowledgeable in the said subject as I want to impart the best I have to my students, to ensure this I review and prepare for the lesson 2 days ahead before my teaching schedule. My rating for this indicator and evidences would be seen below.

Rating:4-5 ( evidences for these ratings would be attached at the back )

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