Sunday 2 September 2018

6. Applies a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning.

At this age, we no longer use the teacher centered style of teaching but rather we use a s student centered one. By doing so, the child is able to discover, experience and build their own skills with the guide of the teacher.
Having this in mind, I always make the students work as a group in order them to come up with their own ideas, learn on their own and discover things on their own. By doing so the students won’t rely solely on me to teach them something new or even expect me to always be there to help them.
I used strategies as discovery method, experiential method and experimental methods of learning so that they can do the activity I gave and learn from it by observing what happened during their activity.

Rating: 4-5


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