Sunday 2 September 2018


Plan for continuing professional development

Of course as teachers we need to always improve ourselves and that we must show that learning is a lifelong journey. Hence my plan for the future is of course pass the licensure examination and after that choose a course that I would take for my masteral.
I might choose a course that will enable me to become a principal so that someday I would be able to set up my very own school to cater to the children who really need education. I am referring to children whom are begging in the streets.
I believe that it is also their right to get a proper education so that someday they would become model citizens of the country and that they may also contribute to the economy of our country the Philippines.
I might plan all these now but I believe that it is Gods will that is what will be done in my life.


Since Lawrence was a slow learner, I placed a time that I would be able to study with him one on one and focus on all his weakness which was writing. In order to help him improve his writing, I gave him a booklet for him to trace and practice writing lines, shapes and letters.

What I suggested Mrs. Aldo was, to motivate Lawrence using extrinsic motivation and not only spanking the child whenever he is does not want to study. Also I told her that using rewards towards Lawrence is very effective as he really tries his best to get the job done. Although this might not be the same care when he becomes older, this would definitely help him improve on his school work now.

E. Educational History

During my internship in PCES, I was able to slowly motivate, guide, and slowly teach Lawrence the things he needed until he is able to do these things by himself. I believe that he has a lot of potential especially in mathematics, he is able to answer the problems given to him orally but when it comes to written assessment then it’s another story.
Being with him every day and day by day guiding him and motivating him showed me that he is slowly trying to do the work that he was given. At first when I give an activity he would tell me. “Teacher, wala ko kalabalo”. Then he would not do the work. But as days goes by, I see him trying. From the previous statement “teacher, wala ko kabalo”. Became “Teacher, unsaon pag buhat ani”.
Although my time with him was short, I know with a little more motivation, he would excel in what he is doing. After all he is just like me when I was a child, there always someone who ends up crying during study time, and that someone is me.

D. Development History

Mrs. Aldo told me that Lawrence has always been like this even when he was still in kindergarten he has always been playful and he does not really pay attention during the lesson. He can do activities such as coloring but he always has a hard time when it comes to writing and even drawing. Even if they are practicing these at home, He would often cry and say that he does not know how to do the task that he was given.
Whenever he and his father are practicing and studying, it always ends up him getting spanked as he always tries to avoid studying Mrs. Aldo said.

C. The Family

    The Aldo family consists of 6 people. The father of the family Joseph Aldo, is a mechanic who fix vehicles that needs to do servicing. And his wife Sonia A. Aldo is a vegetable vendor in the market in San Franz. The eldest, John Mark A. Aldo is currently studying in SOCOTECH taking a course in criminology and aspires to be a police officer someday. John Raymond A. Aldo, the second born is still in grade 2 studying in the same school as John Lawrence. John Michael is Lawrence’s twin brother and classmate.
Even if the family is busy, they still manage to eat together during lunch time and still participate in school activities such as feeding and meetings. Their mother also volunteered to be one of the classroom officers despite her busy schedule.
We can say that they are very supportive in the education of their children. She even gave me the authority to scold and discipline Lawrence as she knows how he is like at home.
“Sir, badlunga na siya pag mag pabadlong. Kusia kung kinihanglan”.- Mrs Aldo.
In the end of the day, the Aldo family always tries to spend quality time together especially during holidays and weekends.
Lawrence even told me that they are going to the beach and asked me for permission to be absent on that day. All I can say is that the Aldo family is a family that puts family first above all else.


A.  Background Information/Identifying Data
a.  Personal Identification

Name: John Lawrence A. Aldo
Age: 7 years old Date of Birth: July 14, 2011
Gender: Male Race: Filipino     
Religion: Roman Catholic
Address:P-5, Patin-ay Prosperidad,Agusan del Sur
Mother Tongue: Cebuano
Grade: I       Section: Jasmine

b.  Family Background
Father’s Name: Joseph C. Aldo Age: 43 years old
Highest Educational Attainment: College Level
Occupation: Mechanic

Mother’s Name: Sonia A. Aldo
Age: 40 years old
Highest Educational Attainment: College Graduate (BSE)
Occupation: Vendor

No. of siblings: 4
Rank in the family: third
Name of Sister(s): N/A
Rank in the family: N/A
Name of Brother(s):
John Mark A. Aldo     Age: 25 years old
Rank in the family: first
John Raymond A. Aldo  Age: 8 years old 
Rank in the family: second
John Michael A. Aldo  Age: 7 years old 
Rank in the family: third ( twin of John Lawrence)